2018-10-01 - Lupine Library Loop


~6.4 mi @ ~14.5 min/mi

"Elbows on the table? Why not?" K-Rex reports her son's skepticism about dining customs. Under Orion and a waning moon, Dawn Patrol cruises the streets of northern McLean and makes plans for next weekend's races (the Army 10 Miler and PB&J 50k). K2 points out the mansion on Lupine Lane that burned on 27 Dec 2014, recently rebuilt and ready for sale. (see 2014-12-31 - Happy Old Year and 2015-01-02 - Lupine Loop for historical observations)

"Halloween is coming!" Decorations have begun to appear, led by front-porch pumpkins. Near the town Library, construction/renovation of the Community Center continues apace. Cool weather brings out dozens of early dog-walkers, cheerful as they and their pups greet us.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-10-23